Our Team

Geordie Brackin (Co-founder / Director)
Geordie is the co-designer of Health Sciences Leadership in Philadelphia, a high school aimed at preparing students for careers in health care. From 2013 to 2018, he served as Director of Innovation at Bridge International Academies, an organization that has launched over 500 elementary schools in Kenya, Uganda, Liberia, India, and Nigeria. Geordie was a public high school teacher in Nashville, TN, and Cape Town, South Africa with the LEAP Science and Math School. He is a Fulbright recipient and former magazine journalist.

Mike Goldstein (Co-founder / Advisor)
Mike is the founder of Match Education in Boston: a college prep charter school for low-income kids; an embedded Graduate School of Education; and a program to share best practices. From 2013 to 2016, he served as Chief Academic Officer at Bridge International Academies, an organization that has launched over 500 elementary schools in Kenya, Uganda, Liberia, India, and Nigeria. Mike has served on various boards and advisory boards, including the National Council for Teacher Quality, Lee Academy Pilot School, and the transition teams for Governor Deval Patrick in 2007 and Governor Mitt Romney in 2003.


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